I can't believe all the kind messages I'm getting off everyone and all the amazing, inspiring stories. I'm so overwhelmed by it all, I'm on a come down now and am starting to feel pain again. I've been on such a high theses past few days, chatting to new people who I can relate to and by trying to raise awareness I forgot to take time to restπŸ˜‚. For the past few weeks every time I go into headway my key worker always asks how I'm feeling, I think she's worried in case I over do it and end up in hospital. It's great that she's there to remind me though because sometimes I get so caught up in trying to raise awareness and find someone I can relate to that I forget I need rest too and that I have to look after myself sometimes. So thank you Kate for always reminding me, you're the best!πŸ’œ

I had an interview with RSVP yesterday evening and I got sent the link to that interview today. so if anyone would like to take a read here's the link. 

Here's a link to Headway's page where they featured the blog if anybody wants to take a look. 



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