On Wednesday my mother and I went to Galway, I rested a few days before got an early night, I did everything I normally do when I have something coming up to try and help to make sure it won't be a 'bad day. Unluckily it was still a 'bad day' and I was in a lot of pain and didn't feel great in myself. I was then irritated and annoyed at myself because I did everything I could to try and strop it from being a 'bad day' but it ended up being one anyway.
My mother was so happy and upbeat and I just didn't feel on the same wave length as her mentally. Which made me more mad at myself because I could in seconds ruin our lovely trip if I got too irritated, the problem is that when I'm irritated I can say anything and everything and it can either go one of two ways, I laugh it off or I get snappy, so most of the time I just stay quiet and isolate myself, but that's hard to do when your not in your own environment. I also felt very anxious when it was very busy and loud, I felt like I was having a break down inside. My mother is great though because she can kind of tell and she tries to take me to a quieter place or takes me somewhere to sit down.
Happy St.Patricks Day everyone! ๐๐ I will be going out with friends tonight, I haven't been out drinking in ages so I hope I'll be okay and the pain settles๐. Hope you all have a great day/night!! ๐๐