I woke up this morning not feeling great in myself which was frustrating because today I had some college students coming to my house to film my story and film snippets of my everyday life for a project they are doing. I was snappy this morning with dad and only realized it after it happened. I couldn't get myself out of this bad mood and I needed to especially on today of all days where I need to be in great form to talk about my life and how the stoke has affected me.
I was sitting in front of the camera having a microphone attached to me and I just could not believe this is my life, it just all seems surreal, it feels like I'm in a dream, it feels like my life, what happened to me, is just something that DOESN'T happen but IT DOES and I am forever reminding myself of that and by helping to raise awareness so others don't make the same mistake I did, so that when they feel that one side of their body isn't working properly or isn't feeling right they don't hesitate, like I did, if I hadn't hesitated I might have caught the stroke on time and I might not have been left with the damage that I have and I probably wouldn't have daily difficulties like I do. Its so important that young people especially people my age or younger know that a Stroke isn't an older persons illness, it can happen to anybody at anytime.
The worst part for me was listening to my dad while he was being interviewed, I couldn't look at him, I knew if I looked at him I would cry and he would. He said it was hard and difficult for him and my mother because "overnight she became a different person", "she'd changed". All of us suffered, all of us have had this amazing journey full of ups and downs. All of us have learnt to love the 'New Ree'. He doesn't talk much about what's happened to me, especially not to me, so hearing him properly talk about it and how he feels really got to me. I'm so proud he did that interview, I know it was hard. I'm so happy and grateful to have someone so humorous, encouraging and brave to be my dad. He never gave up on me and never will. On the days I can't walk, dads there to help me, he's there to try and get me walking again. That is easy for no parent. So thank you dad. ๐
Today I'm having a bad day, but I don't mind because I've had a very good few days with very little pain, I'm lucky I had those days, it makes me appreciate them more now that I'm having a very bad pain day๐. I'm my own worse enemy though because I haven't really been resting much the past week so its about time my body lashed out to tell me to slow down๐.
One of the questions I got asked today really caught me off guard, "how do you cope with the frustration that your body has to take time to heal?" My response, you can't cope but you have no choice to cope. You have to just deal with it, my family have no choice, they just have to deal with it, we all wish we had a choice. I still get frustrated most days when my friends are out and I'm at home resting because I know I have headway or somewhere to go the next day, I can't go out two days in a row but I'm working on it, I'm hoping in time I wont have to have as many rest days, but I wont get my hopes up either if I can't ๐some days feel easier but most days are hard.
Everyday is different with a brain injury, you never know what way you're going to be or what way you're going to feel. Trying to stay positive and taking it one day at a time is my trick ๐๐. I hope everyone is having a great week. ๐

Also I am in the Irish Examine tomorrow in the health Magazine so if anyone wants to pick up a copy to read my interview that would be great. Highly appreciated๐๐.

Thanks to the students for being so kind.๐
Also I am in the Irish Examine tomorrow in the health Magazine so if anyone wants to pick up a copy to read my interview that would be great. Highly appreciated๐๐.