Can't Sleep/Rest
Rest/Sleep....everyone needs it otherwise they get moody and unfriendly, but for people with an illness or injury sleep/rest is one of the vital things for recovery. After a brain injury your sleep pattern can become pretty unreliable or somewhat non existent in my case, I'm lucky if I get 4 hours straight. Most nights it takes me about an hour or two to sleep and I never go into a deep sleep, so I end up waking up every hour and it can take me around half an hour or more to fall back to sleep. So today's post is about sleep/rest management and what you can try and do to hopefully get a better nights sleep, I'm not guaranteeing this will work, cause most of these have worked for me for a week or so and then I'm back to square one trying to find something else to help me sleep but that doesn't mean it won't work for you so give them a try.
Most mornings I am so exhausted from lack of sleep that I am lucky if I can get through the day, but also most times I feel numb from exhaustion or I am overly hyped from it that I hardly realise I'm exhausted until my body ends up being in an unbelievable amount of pain that I can hardly move or do anything but rest, which is something I really advice not to do, it does not help you in any way and it just makes the process of recovering form your busy days even longer, harder and painful. But most of that exhaustion is my own fault cause at times I never rest, I always plod on, so I've had to learn when to rest and when my body needs to rest, plus it never hurts to rest for 10-15 minutes to avoid over exhaustion, people without a brain injury or any condition need to rest during the day so just remember to tell yourself its okay to rest and everybody needs a rest.
Anyway here's some useful information about sleep/rest and how to manage it I got from attending one of the Brain Injury classes during my rehabilitation. Okay so as you may know the most important type of sleep is restful, uninterrupted sleep. A good sleep pattern is falling asleep swiftly and waking feeling refreshed ( which in my case rarely happens😁). I have some sheets for effective sleep/rest from my rehabilitation classes that I found useful and hopefully that you could find usefully at some stage too.

Here's the examples of the daily diary I did to try and help my sleep pattern and to try and help me rest. Hope it help's you too.

Most mornings I am so exhausted from lack of sleep that I am lucky if I can get through the day, but also most times I feel numb from exhaustion or I am overly hyped from it that I hardly realise I'm exhausted until my body ends up being in an unbelievable amount of pain that I can hardly move or do anything but rest, which is something I really advice not to do, it does not help you in any way and it just makes the process of recovering form your busy days even longer, harder and painful. But most of that exhaustion is my own fault cause at times I never rest, I always plod on, so I've had to learn when to rest and when my body needs to rest, plus it never hurts to rest for 10-15 minutes to avoid over exhaustion, people without a brain injury or any condition need to rest during the day so just remember to tell yourself its okay to rest and everybody needs a rest.
Anyway here's some useful information about sleep/rest and how to manage it I got from attending one of the Brain Injury classes during my rehabilitation. Okay so as you may know the most important type of sleep is restful, uninterrupted sleep. A good sleep pattern is falling asleep swiftly and waking feeling refreshed ( which in my case rarely happens😁). I have some sheets for effective sleep/rest from my rehabilitation classes that I found useful and hopefully that you could find usefully at some stage too.

Here's the examples of the daily diary I did to try and help my sleep pattern and to try and help me rest. Hope it help's you too.

I have read your post and I am humbled by your strength in such a difficult time, I’m sure others will get great comfort knowing there not alone, fair dues to you.
Thinking of you.