Keeping Busy.

I think I keep myself busy 90% of the time even when I find it difficult to keep going because I know as long as I'm busy I don't think about my life, how it's changed and where I would be if all this hadn't happened to me. But eventually I bring myself out of this negative mood, sometimes it could take hours or sometimes it could take days, but once I'm out of it I appreciate all the little things I can do now and all the people I have in my life because everything and everyone is so important to me. In a matter of seconds I know first hand how life can change in a matter of seconds.
I'll never stop letting people know how much I appreciate them, because every day is a gift. I live in the now not the past or the future. I take one day at a time because no day is the same. Tomorrow I could walk a mile or a half and the following day I could struggle to get out of bed , but I know that's okay, I know me just getting out of bed some days is the most important thing I can do, it's an achievement in itself.
On Thursday I was struggling to move due to extreme nerve pain..sometimes my medication works other times it doesn't but I guess that's my body's way of telling me to rest. On days like this I struggle to even get out of bed. But I'm okay with that because I am happy if I can just get up and make myself a cup of tea or coffee, to some people this may seem like a small task that you would think nothing of, but to me I am so happy when I can achieve this on bad days.
Sometimes I wish things were easier. Two years down the line, even five years down the line I will probably get upset now and again because I know this wasn't the path I planned to take in life, I had no choice, but I know I wouldn't change it for the world. I have become stronger, I am happy and I have accepted what has happened but it doesn't mean I don't get upset now and again over the person I lost, It doesn't mean I can't be upset for losing a part of me that I will never get back.
But I always remember tomorrow is a new day, full of new achievements & possibilities. It's okay today to have a bad day, don't beat yourself up over them because we all need bad days to appreciate the good days. 💜💜
I hope everyone is having a great weekend and is keeping well. To those who aren't feeling great I hope you feel better soon and just remember to take it one day at a time. 💜💜