Short Documentary

A few months ago I was asked by students of Tralee Institute of Technology if I would be interested in being interviewed for their media project. I was thrilled to have been asked as it helps spread more awareness about Strokes in young people.

My dad was also asked to be in the interview to talk about how me having a stroke had an effect on him and my mother as parents. It was the first time I had ever actually heard my dad talk about the stroke and how he feels about it.

I cried the first time watching the video watching and listening to my dad talk about me, how I've changed since the stroke and how as parents they felt so helpless. I know how hard that was for my dad to talk about, I'm so proud of him. It was hard to watch my dad get emotional, it was hard to listen to him, getting teary eyed over something none of us had any control over. It's hard for me to adjust but it's harder for my parents as they had to mourn a piece of me we have all lost and I don't think any parent deserves to go through that. 

Anyway here's the link to the video, Super proud of my dad and a huge thanks to the Tralee IT Students. It is brilliantly put together and I love that you got Max and Molly in it. 💜💜


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