It's been a few months since I've posted anything, I've had loads written out but I just haven't found time to post them or put them together and when I do have time I'm overwhelmed with pain so I just sleep or lie in bed.
The evening course I did before Christmas and the one I've started in the new year in Mental Health. There seems to be more work involved in this one so I'm kept very busy.
It has honestly consumed most of my time as my brain is trying to get used to all the study and concentration and learning new information so I've found myself in more pain than usual and my fatigue levels have risen. But I did extremely well in my first exam in December since the Stroke.
I also applied to LCFE in Limerick for a 1 year Social Studies Course, Interviews are in May & August 2019 so fingers crossed I'll do well and Start in September, it's been a slow processes but I'm finally making the huge step towards my future that I've always wanted.
It doesn't bother me anymore that I'm not where most of my friends are and I'm thankful and grateful because I've had time to really think about what I want to do in the future and due to what has happened to me at such a young age I've had more experiences than most at my age, which may have it's perks for this type of study or job in the Future.
I've come a long way in three years and my life finally feels like it has meaning again, tobe honest without Headway I'd be nowhere near my goal, they have helped me through everything and I'm forever grateful to all the staff, I and many others would be nowhere without it!
No matter what your goal is post Stroke, never give up! In time you will get there, time and patience are your two new best friends, during recovery they are vital, each day when you feel your not making an improvement remember that practise makes perfect and time is all we have. If you put your mind to it with determination and the power to never give up you will succeed.